Hi, I’m Sharon

Fundraising Coordinator

Sharon has been a resident of Shipton Bellinger for over 12 years and loves the strong community spirit and friendliness that make this village so special. She enjoys taking long walks with her dog through the beautiful surrounding countryside, appreciating the peace and connection to nature.

 Sharon has a wealth of experience in bringing the community together, having organised the village fêtes in 2021 and 2022. Her efforts in coordinating stallholders, entertainment, and food vendors successfully raised funds that have already supported the SNAP campaign.

 Sharon is excited about the prospect of bringing The Boot Inn back to life. She looks forward to the day when she can once again enjoy a pint and a meal with her fellow villagers in a place that has always been a fantastic asset to the community. Sharon was particularly moved by the survey results, which revealed that some neighbours have felt isolated without a central gathering spot in the village. She is determined to change this.

 Sharon says, “The Boot Inn has always been the heart of our village and knowing that some of our neighbours are missing out on that sense of community has made me even more determined to see it restored. We’re bringing it back for them, and for all of us.”